Hotel Place nasty and hangout PSK in Mataram, in Lombok Razia, Student and Junior Student netted.
Hangout and place to do wickedness in the city of Mataram, Lombok especially hotels - hotels in raid police officers. It was not only the prostitutes who netted from the raid. but there are also student and junior high school boy who does nasty and netted in raids.
Police launch raids from the hotel Relax, kemudaian managed to find a partner rather than husband and wife in a hotel room. Diduka they were doing something nasty.
Invisible Samapta Police Mataram, the AKP. Taufik will continue to roll out raids in several places on a regular basis until June.
"This raid will be held regularly until next June," he told reporters on Friday .
The next raid, police found 11 pairs in the hotel Cakranegara region, namely the hotel and Tanguh Kartika. They dgelandang to the patrol car because he could not show a marriage license.
Action of the police officers went to the hotel Winadi and Viktoria and managed to secure a young couple who were staying at the hotel. They are worn to report twice a week, after dimintau an affidavit not to repeat his actions.